1. Run like and tag to win contests
Like to win contests are a simple thanks to driving engagement. All you wish to try for this contest is to post an image on Tiktok and raise folks to love the post to require half.
As this can be a simple method, many folks can probably do, therefore, significantly if your prize is sweet. If your engagement is suffering, this can be a simple thanks to boosting it.
For more substantial results, run a Like and tag to win the contest, during which you raise folks to not solely just like the post. A number of the labeled folks will like the post and tag some other person.
However, conjointly tag somebody they recognize within the comments. A Like and tag contest can increase each like and comment.
2. Use online polls to induce feedback from your audience
A direct relationship is often the most uncomplicated, thanks to keeping your existing audience and even get additional followers.
Social media polls allow you to recognize the opinion of your followers concerning something you share.
Of course, if you would like to induce extra Tiktok followers, you’d higher skills your existing followers feel concerning your content.
Attempt to perpetually get feedback from them and reply to any negative, positive, or neutral comment.
On the side of online polls, you’ll be able to use Live videos to induce your followers’ comments online and respond like a shot.